“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Mahatma Gandhi

HPC Volunteers at Farms

When HPC was founded, we made a commitment to the City of Port Hueneme. We not only wanted to serve our community by donating to local non-profit organizations but also create a network of volunteers who wanted to help our community thrive. In the following years we have expanded our aid to include multiple organizations across Ventura County. Since founding in 2018, HPC has created an in-house volunteer program to allow our employees to go off site and volunteer time to local non-profits. Boys and Girls Club, Reel Guppy Outdoors, FoodShare and Open Door Studio to name a few. We believe that by creating a relationship within our community we can help people understand that cannabis businesses are here to improve the wellness of our citizens, inside and outside our shop doors.

In May, HPC had the honor of sponsoring and volunteering for the Boys and Girls Club Great Futures Breakfast. This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Great Futures Breakfast Fundraiser after a two-year hiatus. The breakfast was back better than ever with a total of $160,000 raised! Thanks to the generous donations from local dispensaries and businesses the kids of Oxnard and Port Hueneme can attend five clubs at zero cost. This alleviates the financial burden from families in need of after school care and provides a safe space for learning, creativity, and fun! If you would like to donate or volunteer for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme, please go to www.bgcop.org

HPC staff loves volunteering for Ventura County Food Share, there are opportunities in multiple departments and locations. You can usually catch our team in the senior garden helping harvest fruits and vegetables. They have created a space with over one hundred different varieties of plants, a green house, and even a chicken coup! Food Share created an entire farm at their headquarters in Oxnard to help provide fresh food for Ventura County’s seniors. The garden sees the harvest through from planting all the way to loading up the truck. This is only possible because of the volunteers who contribute their time to the garden daily. Food Share is always looking for volunteers, if you would like to sign up, please visit www.foodshare.com/volunteer/

HPC strives to help our community in any way we can, if you or someone you know has an organization you would like us to learn more about please contact us at hello@420hpc.com or d.griley@420hpc.com

Author: Drea Griley, Community Events Liaison